Automatic Transmission Speed Updation

As we all know automatic transmission is all about velocity. And every time there goes a new modification in the transmission, which further contributes to a rise in the family of automatic transmission.

We have till date added a 9 speed automatic transmission, here at A & B automotive we train our working staff with all these updations. We conduct workshops and learning sections for them so that they can learn right care of your vehicles.

Just to clarify you the difference of these speeds:

The most important to differentiate is through the RPM ( revolutions per minute). The automatic transmission difference is due to this variation of RPM and how long you can hold the locomotive in the same orbit.

Without entering more to the technicality of the up-gradation justly conclude, that as the count of speed increases to the automatic transmission so is the modification and speed of the vehicle increases.

The changes and updation we perform at out premises are:

-Change of manual transmission into automatic transmission.

-Up-gradation of old transmission to new transmission either manual to auto or auto to auto.

We also provide remanufactured transmissions as the requirement of the customer.